Posted on 06/06/2023 in Industry Publications
“Revive 275” moving forward
Hennessey Engineers is proud to be part of the team on the massive “Revive 275” project in Wayne County, Michigan.
“Revive 275” is in year three of a four-year, multi-phase, $281 million road improvement project which began in July 2021 and is scheduled for completion in late 2024. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) project limits are on I-275 from just south of the Wayne / Monroe County line northerly to just north of 6 Mile Road.
More than a dozen large firms and organizations contribute to this massive project funded by the Rebuilding Michigan bond program (80%) and MDOT funds (20%). Hennessey Engineers is one three firms participating as consultants through the MDOT Small Business Program and performs Quality Assurance materials testing services.
Read: “Michigan DOT’s I-275 Rebuild Project Shifts Into New Phase” ~ Michigan Contractor & Builder